The second passageway lead to a room filled with junk. I could
not see another way out of this room.
The third passage was also a dead end.
The fourth passage was also a dead end, but I could climb through
a missing window into another part of the factory.
The window I climbed through. A handy
table making it even easier.
This place is getting bigger and bigger.
A forge and a fire extinguisher.
One big empty hall followed another.
92 kg. Heavy backpack. :-)
A big blue and green tank, a green light, a red light (in the distance)
and again the humming sound of electricity.
I don't understand. The place seems completely abandoned, but all
kinds of machinery still seems to be on and running. Someone has to
notice it, probably the one paying the electricity bill.
Combined with the fact there was no graffiti at all here it would
seem the place was not abandoned long ago. On the other hand, the
roof was leaking in many places and had been for very long, as there
was moss growing on the floor.