Looks in reasonable condition. Windshield
and dashboard meters smashed though.
One wooden door is the only locked door in the buildings. It leads
to the workshop of an artist, or at least that is written on the door.
It also states there is nothing of commercial value in the workshop.
(Below which someone else has written "Bullshit, there is lots
of money there")
More rooms of different sizes followed, filled with all kinds of machinery.
This longish room even has leftover
rolls of cardboard.
Big interesting machine of the brand
'Automat'. Wonder what it was for.
spacious room to the left is where the straw was cooked in large
round kettles. I think. The room was now empty, the staircase to
dangerous to use.
In the beginning all machines were driven by one steamengine. The
power was distributed by drivebelts which ran over the wheels you
can see here on the roof beams. Not much roof left.