Saturday 17-08-02
Gronau keeps surprising me. The amount of abandoned buildings is
amazing. They are working hard at cleaning the town up for the LAGA
2003, demolishing buildings as they go. This time spinning mill
Deutschland is the target. I never really noticed this factory.
It is half hidden behind trees and when I last checked it was still
in operation. Now a housemate warned me however that it was being
demolished, so suddenly time for exploration was running short.
This Saturday was a hot and sunny day, almost 30 C. I cycled around
the factory first, not only to find a way in but also to see if
everything was quiet. Front gate was closed and everything seemed
quiet enough so I had the place to myself.
First I wanted to enter by a walking bridge over the moat which
partly surrounds the complex, but as this bridge had a doorbell
and a postbox I thought I might end up in the garden of the house
build next to the factory. So I took a different route, along the
abandoned railroad where I could climb through a hole in a fence.