Twentec Towers
Other Gronau
Weisse Dame
Hengelo Bier
Other Hengelo
Other Losser
Jumbo Dancing
Other Oldenzaal
Métro Charleroi
Charleroi Steel
Muiden Chemie
De Toekomst
Dyckhoff &
Doelloos Blokje
Grootse Plannen

24-05-01 (Thursday, Ascentionday (hemelvaartsdag))
Most pictures you've already seen were really shot on this expedition.

A message on the mailinglist gave me the idea to go exploring on the early morning. You can be pretty sure most people are asleep, while you have the benefit of daylight. Only the idea of getting up early I didn't like, so I just stayed up late.
I left at about 4:30 AM for Glanerbrug. The bicycle trip was quite pleasant, nice sunny weather, birds singing and almost no people about. I entered the grounds of the textilefactory the same way as last time. I skipped the places I had been already for now.
I checked out some holes in the ground, probably for unloading coal or other stuff from traincars.
I found a new sliding door. The padlock had almost rusted away, but quite a large birch tree blocked the way. This door hasn't been opened for at least 20 years or so.
I went around the corner of the building and found some more probably locked doors but I got scared when I heard barking dogs.
I went back a little and checked out a platform on top of a small basement. The basement itself is not very interesting, just small, damp, dark and dirty. On top of it against the wall of the neighboring small building is a metal frame (mentioned earlier) which one can use to climb to a small flat roof. This is a dead end however. The adjoining roof of asbestos plates did not seem safe at all, it bent a lot when I put just one foot on it. Some more drastic explorers tried to enter the building by bending away the wiremesh and destroying the reinforced glass. It was to no avail obviously, as there were metal bars beneath it blocking the way.
I had another look at the chimney and noticed a plank was now placed against it. [Pling!] It was now easy to reach the ladder and climb the chimney. First step on a low wall, second on the ridge of the foundation of the chimney, third on the plank placed diagonally against the chimney and I was on the ladder. I climbed to about 5 meters high. Though the ladder didn't look to rusty, I didn't trust it either.

Picture taken from the chimney.

Our practical explorer (the one of the plank), also opened a large door which I thought locked or blocked the last time I was here. It made clambering through the window unnecessary. Inside the metal door was still locked. Lock picking it wouldn't be easy as someone tried to pull the cylinder out with pliers and damaged it in the process. I tried to make a snapshot through a crack the door, where the door had been bent away a little. Looked like some car wrecks on the other side, the rooms probably still in use by the company now using the intact parts of the factory ("Leo Olde Daalhuis schadeauto's").
I climbed back over the wall again and walked around the factory to take a look at the western side of the factory. Using some remnants of the demolished part of the factory I could climb up to a small hole in the wall, which gave me a look at this part of the factory. The roofs here had largely collapsed and small trees and shrubs were growing everywhere.
It's strange that some parts of the factory are almost completely destroyed by time and nature while other parts even have most of the windows intact. The multistory building, which I haven't even got close to yet, is in the best condition.
I walked around the factory to the other side and found that the dogs were in a kennel belonging to a house in the neighborhood and not on the factory grounds.
I decided it was time for bed and went home.

It would be a while before I visited again.

A year and a day have passed since my last exploration trip to the Eilermark. Some things have changed: the damaged cars dealer has disappeared, the wall at the rear of the grounds has been removed for a railroad reconstruction (and on the equipment part I now have a better and digital camera, a better flashlight, a mobile phone for emergencies and more guts :-) ).
This day I had planned a trip to Ochtrup in Germany where some other textile factory is renovated/demolished, but since the route took me along the Eilermark I decided to have a look here first. On my trip back from the White Lady (Weisse Dame) some time earlier I had already noticed the damaged cars dealer had moved out. The fence at front has been replaced by a not so sturdy looking gateless fence made from old railroad sleepers and wiremesh. The railroad sleepers are probably leftovers of the renovated railroad at the back of the factory. No gate in the fence means the factory was now probably completely abandoned. Ignoring the barking dogs at a nearby house, I took some pictures of the factory and some possible entryways. A door was halfway open but a bit to much in plain sight for my liking.

A three in one picture of the front side. Those chestnut trees are nice.

Cycling along the side I noticed the side fence was left wide open, so I parked my bike a bit out of sight and made some pictures of this side of the factory.

Open gate. Thank you.

West face. Most windows are intact here.

A halfway collapsed shed was explored and then I was ready to enter the factory itself.

Cracks in the walls of this shed

Water from an early morning shower running from the roof made scary sounds in the silent factory. Birch trees growing in the wall.

Conveniently for me another door was left open. Seems the owner doesn't care anymore what happens to the building and left it wide open to vandalists to destroy the place. First was a broad corridor between to halls, looking very empty.

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